
In 2007 a young, energetic and caring staff came down to summit road and quickly established Cincinnati as a place for students to go to discover themselves and their relationship with yideshkeit and chassidus. In addition the yeshiva became known for its exemplary Achdus between the students.

Growing strong from just 20 students in an old building, the Yeshiva has grown to having over 50 students and buying their own renovated separate Zal and dorm building. The yeshivah has now over 250 graduates over the past 10 years. As the yeshiva continues to grow, the attention and unity that the yeshiva gives the students has not changed from the way it was in 2007 on Summit Road.

As a dedicated group as alumni, we want to create a space for student to continue the unity and to keep their connection with YLC through this new program. This program consists of two goals, community and giving back.


As we graduate and move on in our separate ways, we will be creating programs to keep us all united and together the way it was back in Cincinnati.

Upcoming Evnts →

Giving Back

We all have something we are grateful to our yeshiva for and as we grow it's time for us to give back and help the Yeshiva that made us who we are today.

Alumni Membership →

We hope you will be involved, If you have any questions, feedback or want to get invloved, you can contact us here →

The YLC Alumni Association.

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